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Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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I wis, certainly, indeed, 72 (1), 81 imbrew, to, bathe in blood, 102 (20),
282 (22) imp, a, child, 29 (14), 130 (17) impair, to, decrease, make less, 142 (8) impleated, filled full, 42 (13) inckle, inkle, linen tape, 119 (20) incontinent, immediately, 395 (4) indent, to, contract for, 219 (10) India, the nut of, 62 (4); = the East
Indies, 206 (21) Indian, 162, 417 (4, 7) Indies, the East, 200 infringe, to, destroy, 174 (5) Inglebred, Goodman, of Boughton,
37o ingrateful, 333 (3) ingrosser, see engrosser intend, to, proceed (on a journey),
26(5) Ireland, 45; a battle of birds in, 1 50;
burning of Cork in, 155 ith, in the, passim Iuely, July, 287 (12)
James I, King of England, arranges peace between Denmark and Swe­den, 45; letters-patent of, to Wy-mondham, 59; proclamation of, against Catholics, 170, against swear­ing, 189; rat-catcher, the, of, 60; referred to, 12(2), 16(19), 23 (24), 46 (4), 47, 91 (5'ff-)» io9 05),
H5(2), i.55> 178(19) jars, dissensions, quarrels, 15 (12);
used of war, 174 (3) Jarret, John, 337 Jeaffreson, John Cordy, 39, 222,
248 f., 283, 299 Jeremiah (Ieremie), 18 5 (1), 18 8 (14) jest, a, story, tale, 327 (13), 328 (1),
376, 394, etc. Jew, a, prophecy of, the, 17 Jews, the, 188 (11 f.), 218 (5); —'s
trump, Jew's harp, 120 (25) jigs, dramatic farces, specimens of,
reproduced, 1, 132, 173, 207, 217
Johnson, Timothy, 206
Jonas (Jonah), 66
Jones, James, a criminal, 249 ff.; —
Jones, his father, 253 (14) Jonson, Ben, 49, 66, 189, 437 Joppa, 67 (2) Judas hand, a, 26 (6) Judgment Day, the, prophecy of, 17,
no, 176 judgments, strange, of God, examples
of", 96, 121, 205 (18 ff.). See
prodigies jury of matrons, a, 283 Jury (Jewry), Old, London, 281 (17)
Kalmar, the War of, ballad on, 44
Kate and Peg, 376
Kellet, Richard, 387
Kemp, William, his jigs, 1
kennel, to reel to the, 192 (4)
Kent, great eater of, 342
Kergo, i.e. Cargo! an exclamation,
192 (4) king, our. See Charles I or James I King of Spain, the, Philip IV, 456
(2) kiss, 1 os. for a, 78 kitchen-stuff, 32 (4) Kittredge, George Lyman, 84, 123,
132, 134, 166, 248, 276 n., 283,
299, 305, 342, 365, 393 Knared, Danish-Swedish peace of, 44 knight, a, public degradation of, 144;
wooing by, of a Bristol maid, 305 Knot of Fools, A, 11
lace, to, beat, thrash, 333 (5)
Ladbrooke, Thomas, 206
lady gay, a, 308 (27)
ladyfied, to be, 319 (1 o)
Lamb's Conduit, Holborn, 432
Lamb, Dr John, 276
landlords, exorbitant rents of, 37 (24)
lame, to, learn, 265 (4)
Laudun, Lausdune, see Loosduinen
Layland, Laaland, 48 (n)
leading apes in hell, 132
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